
Caregiver fatigue can happen to anyone, even if you love to help others, and are energized by it. But everyone needs a break and can’t always get it. 

Or you have become so focused on the other person, that you have disconnected from your own needs and are starting to suffer. 

And caregiving to certain people, such as your parents or partner, also includes a personal, emotional attachment.

It’s needing help but no one is coming. 

When you have a really bad, traumatic day, who do you talk to when you don’t want to bother your friends or family one more time with your war stories?

Caregiving is hard work, extremely exhausting, and can pull even the most balanced, healthy, selfless person away from who they are as an individual.

As your therapist, I will help you find ways to renew yourself on a daily basis. I will create a safe environment for you to express all of your feelings, even the negative ones. I will help you to find meaning and fulfillment in your caregiving even in the most difficult times.